
Student/Teacher ratio 15:2

  • Using a multi-sensory, structured approach to learning, our re-k teachers use a blended curricula of Wilson Fundations and Orton Gillingham to instruct literacy in the classroom as well as providing hands on math experiences that follow the Everyday Mathematics curriculum.

  • Wilson Fundations for pre-k supports the Orton Gillingham principles for phonemic awareness and supports students’ emerging understanding of the alphabetic principles of the letter-sound associations and alphabetical order, as well as the written language skill of manuscript letter formation.

  • Basic math concepts are based in manipulative-based Everyday Math as well as in the multi-sensory approach of Orton Gillingham math.  

  • For additional enrichment, our pre-k students participate in weekly Chapel, Art, Music, Science and Library, which also includes Spanish Immersion.

Class Schedule

  • Five Days 9:00 am-1:00 pm- Monday -Thursday & 9:00 am-Noon Friday