Student/Teacher ratio 15:2
Using a multi-sensory, structured approach to learning, our re-k teachers use a blended curricula of Wilson Fundations and Orton Gillingham to instruct literacy in the classroom as well as providing hands on math experiences that follow the Everyday Mathematics curriculum.
Wilson Fundations for pre-k supports the Orton Gillingham principles for phonemic awareness and supports students’ emerging understanding of the alphabetic principles of the letter-sound associations and alphabetical order, as well as the written language skill of manuscript letter formation.
Basic math concepts are based in manipulative-based Everyday Math as well as in the multi-sensory approach of Orton Gillingham math.
For additional enrichment, our pre-k students participate in weekly Chapel, Art, Music, Science and Library, which also includes Spanish Immersion.
Class Schedule
Five Days 9:00 am-1:00 pm- Monday -Thursday & 9:00 am-Noon Friday