
Student/Teacher Ratio 15:2

In our threes program we sing songs and play games that help children learn that every letter makes a special sound. We provide many opportunities for children to hear and learn that sound and connect it with its capital letter. These activities build decoding skills and provide the foundation for our phonics-based program in our pre-K and kindergarten classes.

Teachers incorporate learning about relevant topics such as nature, weather, transportation, animals, cooking, and architecture, while also including academic concepts like letter, number, color, or shape recognition, math and science. Three-year-olds begin the Handwriting Without Tears program through play with wooden pieces and letters. Three-year-olds participate in weekly Chapel, Art, Music and Library and STEM/Outdoor Classroom.

Class Option

  • Five Day 9:00 am-1:00 pm- Monday -Thursday & 9:00 am-Noon Friday