

Student/Teacher Ratio 12:2

The Twos program focuses on social development, building children’s ability to separate from parents, be a part of a group, take turns, share with friends, and use classroom materials with a purpose.  Our teachers facilitate social interactions between the children and help them join in hands-on classroom activities that build critical thinking skills while developing appropriate use of language to communicate with teachers and peers. Through a combination of child-led and teacher-led activities, students also develop fine and gross motor skills. Another goal of the two year-old year is for children grow their self-confidence and a sense of autonomy through mastery of toilet training and other self-care skills. Two-year-olds participate in weekly Chapel, Art, Music and Library story time with our 5-day two-year-old classes also having STEM/Outdoor classroom as an enrichment skill each week.

Class Options

  • Three Day Twos - 2 years by September 1

    • 9:00 am –1 pm- Monday & Wednesday & 9:00 am-Noon Friday

  • Five Day Twos - 2 years by September 1

    • 9:00 am-1 pm- Monday -Thursday & 9:00 am-Noon Friday